Optimalisasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Upaya Pemulihan Pariwisata Pasca Pandemi Covid 19 Di Kota Bukittinggi

  • Atiqa Azza El Darman
Keywords: optimization, Government Policy, Tourism, Post Covid 19


This article discusses optimizing government policies in an effort to recover tourism after the COVID-19 pandemic in Bukittinggi City and remains the main destination for tourist visitors. This study uses descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques in this study were obtained by interviewing, observing and collecting secondary data. Data is also obtained by observing phenomena in the field. The efforts of the Bukittinggi City Government towards tourism in post-Covid-19 recovery that have been carried out: 1. Implementation of the Bukittinggi City Government Policy in Breaking the Chain of COVID-19 Spread 2. The obstacle faced is the issue of the compliance of the community of Evidencenggi who are not fully aware of the dangers of the Covid pandemic -19. 3. The Bukittinggi City Government's Policy Efforts to Advance the Tourism Sector After the Covid 19 Pandemic. The policy that needs to be addressed after COVID-19 is the problem of parking support facilities. Improvement of facilities and infrastructure supporting Bukittinggi tourism and infrastructure in tourist attractions. Cooperating with related agencies or agencies to develop Bukittinggi. Increase the comfort of visitors by socializing Sapta Pesona to the community. Improve the security and image of the City of Bukittinggi that is clean and free from PEKAT practices.
Keywords: Optimization, Government Policy, Tourism, Post Covid 19