• melfa marini Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
  • Ni Komang Suryati


Solving the stunting problem is a priority for the Indonesian. Considering the impact, the government is targeting the stunting prevalence rate in Indonesia to reach 14% by 2024. For this reason, fast, precise and strategic solutions are needed. If this condition continues, it threatens the future of the Indonesian nation. There are three (3) types of policy alternatives offered as solutions, namely: 1). The long-term solution is to include the GEMAR-IKAN educational program as one of the mandatory non-credit subjects at every level of education, 2). Medium term solution, with the following two activities: first, the government issues regulations related to fishery product export permits for companies or entrepreneurs carrying out fishery export activities (can carry out exports with the condition that 5% of fish products that are ready to be exported must be sold to the lower middle class by providing discounts), the two governments made an agreement on the priority of repairing and improving infrastructure in each area that has access to fishing activities, 3). The short-term solution for the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is to increase efforts to accelerate the GEMAR-IKAN program. Taking into account the urgency and priority of time, short-term policy recommendations are the most appropriate. Short-term recommendations are carried out in four (4) stages, namely 1). Optimizing the role of fisheries instructors in campaigning for fish consumption awareness programs, 2). Increased diversification of fishery products, 3). Increasing fish production and quality, and 4). Strengthening relationships with various stakeholders in campaigning for the GEMAR-IKAN program that has been established so far. With this recommendation, it is hoped that there will be a significant increase in fish consumption and the government's target of a stunting prevalence rate of 14% by 2024 will automatically be achieved.


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How to Cite
marini, melfa, & Suryati, N. (2023). AKSELERASI PROGRAM GEMAR-IKAN: SOLUSI TERCAPAINYA ANGKA PREVALENSI STUNTING 14% PADA TAHUN 2024. Jurnal Analis Kebijakan, 7(2), 223-232. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37145/jak.v7i2.682