To support the 23% New and Renewable Energy (EBT) national energy mix program, the East Kalimantan provincial government has launched the "Green Energy for Better Future" program. However, the EBT that has been implemented is only 6.53% and is dominated by Solar-based Power Plant. Under these conditions, one of BRIDA East Kalimantan's plans to increase the percentage of EBT is to build an EBT source other than solar, so that the distribution of EBT is also more varied. In this study, Wind-based EBT is examined whether they are suitable for East Kalimantan or not. The results concluded that the wind potential in East Kalimantan is categorized as a gentle breeze, leading to the potential for Wind Turbines as very small and furthermore they are centered on coastal areas only. For this reason, if East Kalimantan still wants to develop a wind power plant (PLTB), then the recommendation is to build a hybrid micro-scale PLTB system. The PLTB functions as a secondary power plant supported by a primary power source that functions during wind cut-off conditions.
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