Potensi Sorgum untuk Subsitusi Terigu dalam Perspektif Penganekaragaman Produk Olahan

  • ira mulyawanti Badan Standardisasi Instrumen Pertanian
  • Kun Tanti Dewandari
  • Prayudi Syamsuri


Wheat flour is still the main raw material for the food industry, especially for noodle and bakery products and is widely used by the community in processing various daily food menus. However, the need for national flour is still met from imports. Geopolitical conditions, climate change, and food security are considerations of the need for flour substitution by utilizing local carbohydrate sources. The problem from the perspective of product diversification is whether flour derived from local ingredients can be processed into products made from wheat. Based on the study, the ability of sorghum flour to be processed into various products made from flour has been widely studied. The weakness of sorghum flour that does not have gluten can be overcome through formulation techniques with other protein sources, starch or hydrocolloids. Recommendations that can be submitted are 1) Sorghum flour can substitute for flour from the aspect of developing processed products, with the support of raw material handling technology to improve food quality and safety as well as product processing technology; 2) Sorghum processed products need to be widely and intensively promoted to the public in an effort to strengthen the market. Promotion can be carried out by the local government of the production center area locally or nationally; 3) The health function of sorghum can be appointed as the added value of sorghum processed products in the context of promoting sorghum processed products.


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How to Cite
mulyawanti, ira, Dewandari, K., & Syamsuri, P. (2022). Potensi Sorgum untuk Subsitusi Terigu dalam Perspektif Penganekaragaman Produk Olahan. Jurnal Analis Kebijakan, 6(2), 115-123. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37145/jak.v6i2.553