Increased Women's Political Participation in the RegionalHouse of Representativesin 2019 in West Sumatra

  • Atiqa Azza El Darman
Keywords: participation, politics, women, regional representatives


This article discusses the increasing number of women as legislative members in theRegional House of Representatives (DPRD) from year to year in West Sumatra. The existenceof an affirmative policy encourages women in West Sumatra to participate in and compete forseats in the Regional House of Representatives. The emergence of Affirmative Policyincreases the numberof women's in the DPRD in West Sumatra from year to year. Even inWest Sumatra, women's participation has exceeded the minimum limit of 30%. In the 2019election there were 39.3% of DPRD women candidates in West Sumatra. Regarding 30%representation for women in the list of candidates and zipper system, their existence have tobe stated in the Law on General Election. It would be even more effective if this regulation was followed by sanctions for political parties that did not implement it.