Interactive Governance dalam Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan di Tingkat Desa

  • Redo Frandika Kementerian Dalam Negeri
  • Rahmania Lufitasari
  • Sulung Satriyo Irkham Pambudi


After the crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia faces challenges and another crisis that is no less complete. So, the government needs to respond. The crisis in question is a food problem that does not only apply nationally but also become a global crisis. Accordingly, the government has made food security a strategic issue and national priority. One of them, by realizing food security at the village level. In this regard, this paper aims to provide an overview and alternative solutions to realizing food security at the village level through a cross-stakeholder collaboration approach including ministries/institutions, provincial governments, district/city governments, village governments, and non-government stakeholders in the perspective of interactive governance as an alternative through indicators covering the Governing System (GS), Governance Interaction (GI), and System-to-be-Governed. The recommendations offered include the need for a review of the Mayor Regulations and Village Regulations on Village Authority, optimizing policy socialization regarding food security, forming a food security working group at every level, and optimizing the role of Village Community Institution.