• Made Agus Sugianto
  • Dewa Ayu Raka Dewi


The stunting rate in Badung Regency shows an increasing trend throughout 2016 to 2018. In
2015 the stunting rate was recorded at 13.6% then decreased to 11.5% in 2016. Entering 2017
the stunting rate increased again, and the results of Riskesdas year 2018 recorded that the
stunting rate in Badung Regency reached 25.24%. The main determinant factor associated
with the high stunting rate in Badung Regency is the low level of nutritional knowledge of
mothers under five because most (42.82%) of the population of Badung Regency have
elementary and junior high school education, 40.64% of them have high school education and
only 16.54% have education. Highly educated (PT). Research results from several countries in
the world show that sustainable multisectoral interventions can reduce stunting by up to 40%.
In addition, specific nutrition interventions for children under five by the health sector and
sensitive nutrition interventions carried out by the non-health sector in several regions of
Indonesia showed quite good results. The Government of Badung Regency, which is one of the
districts with a stunting rate that exceeds the target set by the Indonesian Ministry of Health
and has a commitment to and supports efforts to prevent stunting by issuing the Badung
Regency Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2016 concerning Child-Friendly District and the
declaration of the Movement for the first 1000 days of birth (Garba Sari) for stunting
prevention in Badung Regency.