Analysis of Village Development Based on the Achievement of the Village Building Index in Serang District
This study aims to analyze the development of village status based on the Village Building
Index (IDM) in Serang District and to find out the problems and provide policy
recommendations to overcome these problems. This research is descriptive based on IDM data
that has been published by the Village Ministries in 2015 and 2018. The results of the study
show that based on IDM values in 2018 in the Serang District there is no Autonomous villages,
unlike the IDM data in 2015 there are 3 Autonomous villages. The Advanced village has
decreased in number from 20 in 2015 to 11 villages in 2018. There has been an increase in the status of developing villages which were initially 98 to 138 villages. The number of
disadvantaged villages has decreased from 183 become 166, and very disadvantage villages
from 22 to 11 very disadvantaged villages in 2018. Environmental Resilience Index (IKL) and
Economic Resilience Index (IKE) Serang Regency are above average the value of Banten
Province, but a decrease in IKL value from 0.6288 (2015) to 0.6163 (2018). Overall, the IDM
value of Serang Regency is below the value of Banten Province. If we look at the classification
of villages based on IDM the achievement of this value (0.5930) is still classified in the
classification of disadvantage villages. In accordance with the authority in Law number 6 of
2014, the Serang District Government needs to carry out policy interventions for the village
government to have development planning initiatives in the sector that can improve IKL and
IKE achievements.