Jurnal Analis Kebijakan http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka Pusat Pembinaan Analis Kebijakan LAN RI en-US Jurnal Analis Kebijakan 2580-4383 ANALISIS MAKROEKONOMI KEBIJAKAN PRIORITAS PERKEBUNAN BERDASARKAN PENDEKATAN TABEL INPUT-OUTPUT http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka/article/view/686 <p><em>The need for evidence-based policies is very important for now and the future to make quality policies. Moreover, if these policies are strategic policies, have a broad impact, are a national scale, and involves inter-ministries/institutions. Plantation commodities are strategic commodities that play an important role in the national economy. For this reason, it is necessary to determine priority plantation commodities and their macroeconomic analysis. The method used is impact analysis (forward and backward linkage) and multiplier analysis using the 2016 Input-Output Table. The findings of this study are that the priority plantation commodities are palm oil, natural rubber, sugarcane, coconut, tea, coffee, and cocoa. In conclusion, the commodities that have the greatest ability to absorb labor force and increase people's welfare/purchasing power are palm oil, coffee, and coconut, while the commodities that have the ability to increase national productivity or have a major impact on economic growth are palm oil, tea, and coffee.</em></p> Frendy Ahmad Afandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 122 135 10.37145/jak.v7i2.686 EVALUASI ENERGI BARU & TERBARUKAN (EBT) BERBASIS BAYU UNTUK KALIMANTAN TIMUR http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka/article/view/656 <p><em>To support the 23% New and Renewable Energy (EBT) national energy mix program, the East Kalimantan provincial government has launched the "Green Energy for Better Future" program. However, the EBT that has been implemented is only 6.53% and is dominated by Solar-based Power Plant. Under these conditions, one of BRIDA East Kalimantan's plans to increase the percentage of EBT is to build an EBT source other than solar, so that the distribution of EBT is also more varied. In this study, Wind-based EBT is examined whether they are suitable for East Kalimantan or not. The results concluded that the wind potential in East Kalimantan is categorized as a gentle breeze, leading to the potential for Wind Turbines as very small and furthermore they are centered on coastal areas only. For this reason, if East Kalimantan still wants to develop a wind power plant (PLTB), then the recommendation is to build a hybrid micro-scale PLTB system. The PLTB functions as a secondary power plant supported by a primary power source that functions during wind cut-off conditions.</em></p> Ade Purwanto Dewi Yulianti Yuli Sulastri Cornelia Tantri Wijayaingtyas Siwanada - Iskandar - ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 136 152 10.37145/jak.v7i2.656 TUNTUNAN EKOLOGI BERKELANJUTAN DAN IMPLEMENTASI PERTANIAN ORGANIK NASIONAL http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka/article/view/641 <p>The Green Revolution agenda has left environmental or ecological problems for the sustainability of the agricultural sector. And as the world pays attention to the concept of sustainability, the demand for sustainable agricultural cultivation systems becomes imperative. In this regard, this paper intends to explain the extent to which later demands for sustainable ecology arise and the practice of organic farming as a form of sustainability is implemented. The method used is qualitative with literature study analysis. That sustainability demands are increasingly becoming mainstream of agricultural development and need to be further strengthened. Organic agriculture as a form of sustainable agriculture is an alternative solution for providing food that requires support and space to grow with all existing constraints.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> agung saras sri raharjo Agustin Sri Mulyatni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 153 168 10.37145/jak.v7i2.641 REFORMASI BIROKRASI TEMATIK PENGENTASAN KEMISKINAN: KEBIJAKAN DAN DINAMIKA PELAKSANAANNYA http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka/article/view/688 <p><em>This article discusses the implementation of the Thematic Bureaucratic Reform policy, especially in the theme of poverty alleviation, which is currently entering the evaluation stage. The policy issued by the Ministry of PAN and RB is a translation of President Jokowi's direction for Impactful Bureaucratic Reform, namely a reform that is not just inward looking, but more than that is able to contribute to dealing with concrete problems faced by the public, which in this case is about overcoming or poverty alleviation. Even though the Ministry of PAN and RB have done many things, from </em><em>socialization</em><em> and assistance to the issuance of several technical regulations, in implementation we have encountered several obstacles and dynamics. This article recommends several things to improve the implementation of the Thematic Bureaucratic Reform policy.</em></p> Budiarjo Budiarjo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 169 180 10.37145/jak.v7i2.688 KEBIJAKAN PENGELOLAAN UDANG BERKELANJUTAN DI PERAIRAN CILACAP, JAWA TENGAH http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka/article/view/696 <p><em>Cilacap is a fishery center with one of the main commodities, namely jerbung shrimp (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis de Man). Marine capture fisheries production for crustaceans consisting of shrimp and crabs in 2017 to 2019 has decreased. The study aims to analyze the sustainability status and strategies for managing jerbung shrimp in Cilacap Waters. The methods used in this study are Multidimensional Scalling (MDS) sustainability status analysis using Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (Rapfish) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis. The results showed that the sustainability status of shrimp management is in the Less Sustainable status. Referring to the sustainability status, the strategy of shrimp management, namely regulating shrimp fishing efforts, increasing fishermen's insight and concern for environmental sustainability, mitigating ecosystem decline due to the impact of environmental damage, regulating property rights for the utilization of shrimp resources, opening public consultation spaces for fishermen, and local regulations on resource management shrimp.</em></p> untung adi nugroho ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 181 195 10.37145/jak.v7i2.696 PRO DAN KONTRA LARANGAN THRIFTING http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka/article/view/687 <p><em>The phenomenon of thrifting or buying imported second-hand clothes is currently widespread in society. One of the second-hand clothes that is much sought after is second-hand clothes from well-known brands and often second-hand clothes made from imported products. Thrifting is considered to be able to damage the MSME market because the domestic textile and textile product (TPT) industry is still dependent on the local market, apart from that thrifting can also affect consumer health problems. The government issued a policy prohibiting the import of used clothing through Minister of Trade Regulation no. 51/M-DAG/PER/7/2015 concerning Prohibition of Imports of Used Clothing and Minister of Trade Regulation no. 18 of 2021 concerning Export Prohibited Goods and Import Prohibited Goods. In Article 2 paragraph 3 (d) Minister of Trade Regulation no. 18 of 2021 states that one of the items prohibited from import is used bags, used sacks and used clothes. This raises pros and cons among the community. By using qualitative methods through literature studies and media observations, this paper wants to look further into the impact of the policies that have been taken by the government. One of the parties who did not agree came from business actors because they were worried about losing the business that had been the basis of their lives. In the future, the government needs to take strategic steps to overcome this, including by promoting and marketing MSME products, providing training for MSME players in collaboration with stakeholders in various fields, and product education in the form of introducing domestic products to consumers</em></p> Pamuji Lasiyanto Putro Toofik Dwi Nugroho ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 196 213 10.37145/jak.v7i2.687 PENGUATAN PROGRAM DESA/KAMPUNG PENGAWASAN PEMILU DAN ANTI POLITIK UANG http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka/article/view/685 <p><em>The increasing number of violations in every General Election implementation makes the need for community involvement in monitoring the&nbsp;implementation&nbsp;of the General Election stages increasingly urgent. Through the program of establishing electoral supervisory villages and anti-money politics, the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) is trying to increase the public's participation in implementing these demands. However, in&nbsp;its&nbsp;implementation, there are still various problems faced by election supervisors in the field. The absence of stakeholder involvement in the program, the lack of uniformity in the process or technical implementation of the program in each region and the low level of community participation in reporting suspected election violations are some of the problems that can be identified. If these problems are not immediately addressed, this program has the potential to not develop, have no impact or even just stop without bringing benefits in improving the democratic process. Alternative solutions offered in this article are 1) Developing&nbsp;procedures&nbsp;for establishing program village pioneers; 2) Designing collaboration for stakeholder activation; 3) Redesigning procedures for establishing and implementing programs.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> &nbsp;supervisory, participation, general election, education, voter</em></p> Inti Priswari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 214 222 10.37145/jak.v7i2.685 AKSELERASI PROGRAM GEMAR-IKAN: SOLUSI TERCAPAINYA ANGKA PREVALENSI STUNTING 14% PADA TAHUN 2024 http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka/article/view/682 <p>Solving the stunting problem is a priority for the Indonesian. Considering the impact, the government is targeting the stunting prevalence rate in Indonesia to reach 14% by 2024. For this reason, fast, precise and strategic solutions are needed. If this condition continues, it threatens the future of the Indonesian nation. There are three (3) types of policy alternatives offered as solutions, namely: 1). The long-term solution is to include the GEMAR-IKAN educational program as one of the mandatory non-credit subjects at every level of education, 2). Medium term solution, with the following two activities: first, the government issues regulations related to fishery product export permits for companies or entrepreneurs carrying out fishery export activities (can carry out exports with the condition that 5% of fish products that are ready to be exported must be sold to the lower middle class by providing discounts), the two governments made an agreement on the priority of repairing and improving infrastructure in each area that has access to fishing activities, 3). The short-term solution for the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is to increase efforts to accelerate the GEMAR-IKAN program. Taking into account the urgency and priority of time, short-term policy recommendations are the most appropriate. Short-term recommendations are carried out in four (4) stages, namely 1). Optimizing the role of fisheries instructors in campaigning for fish consumption awareness programs, 2). Increased diversification of fishery products, 3). Increasing fish production and quality, and 4). Strengthening relationships with various stakeholders in campaigning for the GEMAR-IKAN program that has been established so far. With this recommendation, it is hoped that there will be a significant increase in fish consumption and the government's target of a stunting prevalence rate of 14% by 2024 will automatically be achieved.</p> melfa marini Ni Komang Suryati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 223 232 10.37145/jak.v7i2.682 UPAYA PENINGKATAN KEPUASAN TENAGA KESEHATAN TERHADAP DUKUNGAN PENERBITAN SURAT TANDA REGISTRASI (STR) http://jak.lan.go.id/index.php/jurnalpusaka/article/view/677 <p><em>Health workforce who will carry out practice are required to have a Registration Certificate (STR). Submission of STRs is carried out online. To continuously improve health workforce STR issuance support services, a Health Workforce Satisfaction Survey with STR Issuance Support has been carried out which aims to identify the characteristics of Health Workforces, measure the Health Workforce satisfaction index with STR issuance support, analyze the factors that influence satisfaction Health Workers and provide recommendations for improving health worker STR issuance support services.</em></p> <p><em>A satisfaction survey was carried out on 3,758 respondents online starting from 17 July to 23 August 2023. From the survey results, it was obtained that the Health Workers' Satisfaction Index with e-STR Publishing Support for the first semester of 2023 was 83.50% (very satisfied) and based on the results of the Importance analysis Performance Analysis (IPA), the indicator "Officers can provide solutions to the obstacles found" is the main priority. The factor that most influences Health Workers' Satisfaction with e-STR Publishing Support is Obstacle Handling. Therefore, increasing efforts are needed in handling obstacles for health workers in administering STR</em></p> Laila Nur Rokhmah Yuni Ramawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 233 241 10.37145/jak.v7i2.677