• Laila Nur Rokhmah
  • Yuni Ramawati Kementerian Kesehatan
Keywords: satisfaction level, health workforce, registration certificate


Health workforce who will carry out practice are required to have a Registration Certificate (STR). Submission of STRs is carried out online. To continuously improve health workforce STR issuance support services, a Health Workforce Satisfaction Survey with STR Issuance Support has been carried out which aims to identify the characteristics of Health Workforces, measure the Health Workforce satisfaction index with STR issuance support, analyze the factors that influence satisfaction Health Workers and provide recommendations for improving health worker STR issuance support services.

A satisfaction survey was carried out on 3,758 respondents online starting from 17 July to 23 August 2023. From the survey results, it was obtained that the Health Workers' Satisfaction Index with e-STR Publishing Support for the first semester of 2023 was 83.50% (very satisfied) and based on the results of the Importance analysis Performance Analysis (IPA), the indicator "Officers can provide solutions to the obstacles found" is the main priority. The factor that most influences Health Workers' Satisfaction with e-STR Publishing Support is Obstacle Handling. Therefore, increasing efforts are needed in handling obstacles for health workers in administering STR


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How to Cite
Rokhmah, L., & Ramawati, Y. (2023). UPAYA PENINGKATAN KEPUASAN TENAGA KESEHATAN TERHADAP DUKUNGAN PENERBITAN SURAT TANDA REGISTRASI (STR). Jurnal Analis Kebijakan, 7(2), 233-241. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37145/jak.v7i2.677